Serve During the Holidays
Ways to serve during
the holidays in our Community
Christmas Eve Offering
Each year, DUMC dedicates our Christmas Eve offering to missions outside the walls of our church. This year that offering will support two worthy causes - our annual Habitat for Humanity build and disaster response. By giving on Christmas Eve you help DUMC provide stable, affordable housing for a family in our community. You will also make a difference for communities in Eastern Georgia and Western North Carolina as they recover from the devastation caused by recent hurricanes. DUMC is grateful for the generosity of our congregation and the difference your giving has already made in the world. This Christmas season, we pray that you’ll join us as we continue to make God’s love known in the world through our giving.
If you have any questions about serving at Dunwoody United Methodist Church or other service opportunities, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.