The ministries and mission of our church take place because of the gifts you choose to offer - your financial gifts as well as your time, service and talent. These are the resources that fuel our vision to be a dynamic Christian community of fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul wrote in 2nd Corinthians 9:7, "Everyone should give whatever they have decided in their heart. They shouldn't give with hesitation or because of pressure. God loves a cheerful giver." Through our tithes and offerings we are giving back to God that which he has given us. Your financial support, regardless of size, helps fund the missions, ministries and operating budget of our church. It helps us house homeless families, feed hungry children, provide meeting space for support groups, conduct Sunday School classes and so much more. Your support means we can reach more lives in Dunwoody and beyond with the God's message and love.
The tax code is very generous toward this form of giving. Giving the asset directly to the church allows the church to sell the asset, thereby eliminating potential capital gains taxes to the donor. This also results in a larger gift to the church.
Appreciated assets held more than one year, such as publicly-traded stocks, mutual funds, bonds, or cryptocurrency can provide you with additional tax savings. Givers do not realize long-term capital gains when giving these securities. Market value at the time of the gift, rather than your cost basis, may be reported as an itemized deduction. If you donate securities, please call us to tell us when to expect your generous gift.
If you prefer, you can make your gift with a cash donation or a personal or business check. Checks should be payable to: Dunwoody United Methodist Church. These gifts can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday, or mailed to the church at:
Dunwoody United Methodist Church. ATTN: Finance Office 1548 Mount Vernon Road Dunwoody, GA 30338
Making a gift to DUMC in memory or honor of someone is a meaningful way to pay tribute to their life while also supporting the work of the church. These one-time gifts can be made online by clicking here. If you prefer to give cash or a check, note the person you are giving in memory or honor of and whether you want the gift to go to a certain fund within the church. These gifts can be placed in the giving envelope found in the pew tray and placed in the offering plate, or they can be mailed to the church at:
Dunwoody United Methodist Church
ATTN: Finance Office
1548 Mount Vernon Road
Dunwoody, GA 30338
By donating appreciated stock to Dunwoody UMC, you may be able to receive a tax deduction for the fair market value at the time of the donation without having to pay capital gains tax on the increase in the value of the stock. You should consult your broker and tax advisor for further information and advice on the amount of deduction available in your particular situation.
You may transfer stock to DUMC in one of two ways: surrender an actual stock certificate or transfer stock from your brokerage account.
STOCK CERTIFICATE: Bring the certificate to the church Finance office during normal business hours. We will have you endorse the certificate over to the church and give you copies for your records.
BROKERAGE ACCOUNT: If your stock is in a brokerage account, you can have your broker wire a specified amount of stock to the church's brokerage account at Wells Fargo Securities Bank Brokerage Unit. The following information will be used by your broker to complete the transfer:
Deliver all eligible securities to FIRST CLEARING through DTC #0141. Include DUMC’s First Clearing customer account number: Account #: 3253-8975 Dunwoody United Methodist Church.
To ensure timely and correct posting of your donation, please contact Roger Young in the Church Finance Office at 770-394-0675 or email with details of the transfer and how the funds should be applied.
DUMC sells stock donations immediately upon receipt and the proceeds, net of broker's commissions, are then credited to accounts as you have directed. Once the net proceeds of the sale have been received, the church will send an acknowledgement letter stating the type of stock received, the date of receipt and other necessary information. This is your receipt for any tax deductions that may be available.
You should consult your broker and/or tax advisor for information and advice on the amount of deduction available in your particular situation.
DUMC uses to receive, liquidate, and disburse cryptocurrency gifts to DUMC. By making the contribution to the donor specifies that the gift is for DUMC. receives the gift, provides the tax-deductible receipt to the donor, deducts a 1% processing fee, and remits the balance to the church. The church records the gift as “non-deductible” on the donor's record so that they get credit for the gift.
Itemized Deduction: The donor is allowed to include 100% of the market value of many of these assets as charitable contributions for tax purposes if held for more than one year.
Because of its tax-exempt status, the church will receive the full market value, less transaction costs, at the time of sale without paying capital gains taxes.
NOTE: Any discussion of the tax implications of gift vehicles should not be considered as tax advice. Consult your personal tax professional for advice on your specific tax situation.
Make a gift using cryptocurrency at:
In some cases, charitable giving can be enhanced using income tax deductions and can be much more effective when it is included as part of year-end tax planning. Recent changes to tax laws may impact this deduction, so be sure to check with your tax advisor. Year-end gifts can be made online or mailed to the Finance Office and must be received in the Finance Office by Dec. 31.