Mission Trips

Global Mission Trips

Guatemala Mission Trip

August 16 - 23
A Dunwoody UMC mission team goes to Guatemala to serve Project Salud y Paz, a nonprofit with three medical clinics and an early education center. The Susanna Wesley School provides education, nutrition, and medical care for more than 50 children in preschool through first grade. Salud y Paz is a joint project of International Hands in Service (a U.S. based 501c3 non-profit organization), the Iglesia Metodista Nacional Primitiva de Guatemala and the United Methodist Church in the United States. The 2025 trip dates are August 16 - 23. There will be an interest meeting held on Tuesday, March 11 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 251.

Kenya Mission Trip

Dunwoody UMC and the surrounding community mission team will travel to Kenya to serve at Mully Children’s Family (MCF). Established in 1989, MCF is one of the largest children’s rescue, rehabilitation and development organizations in Africa. Our team’s primary goal is to support an orphanage through relational ministry, meal preparation and light construction.

El Salvador Mission Trip

January 2026
We will travel to El Salvador to serve with the Salvadoran Mission Project (SMP). We will be doing construction, food distribution, and Vacation Bible School in local villages. If you would like more information on SMP, click HERE or find SMP on Facebook. If you are interested, please contact Rev. Garrett Wallace.

Domestic Mission Trips

Disaster Recovery Mission Trips

If you would like to be informed of upcoming domestic disaster relief trips, please click below to be added to the D.A.R.T – Disaster Assistance Response Team Group. As opportunities arise, you will be alerted via email from the Group Leader. 

In-kind Donations