Wednesday Night Supper
Join us for Wednesday Night Supper! Dinner begins at 5:00 p.m. and ends at 6:15 p.m. If you would like to register for WNS, please fill out the form below. You also have the option of emailing
Debbie Collins or calling at 770-394-0675, ext 111. Reservations are due by the end of day on Monday. Please do your best to adhere to this reservation deadline so there will be a meal prepared for you. The cost for Wednesday Night Supper is $10 for an adult meal, $5 for a child meal (3-11 years). Children under 3 years eat for free.
Register HERE!
VEiL Exhibit and Meet & Greet
VEiL invites you to see selected works by our Pastoral Resident Beth Hall, on display in the library through the end of April.
Special Membership Sunday
Rev. Dr. Phil Schroeder and the congregation of Dunwoody United Methodist Church invite you to become a member on Special Membership Day,
Sunday, March 23 at any of the worship services: 8:30, 9:00, or 11:15 a.m. We hope you will take this opportunity to join Dunwoody United Methodist Church. If you have questions, please reach out by emailing
Hospitality or by phone 770-394-0675 Ext. 128 or 136.
Easter Lily Memorials & Dedications
Please consider purchasing Easter lilies in honor or memory of someone special. Easter lilies will be displayed throughout the Easter worship services and the cost is $12 per plant. The deadline to order is
Friday, April 11. Click
HERE to place your order. Flowers can be picked up after the last service on Easter Sunday. Your Easter lily purchases will be presented in a handout that will be available Easter Sunday morning in the Parlor and Narthex Welcome desks.
Easter Lily Deliveries to Homebound
Volunteers are needed to deliver Easter lilies on Tuesday, April 22 to our homebound members. Contact La'Saundra Anderson at 770-394-0675 to volunteer.
Support the Summit Counseling Center
The Summit’s 2025 Annual Gala is a SOLD-OUT event! We are looking forward to an evening of sharing The Summit’s story, celebrating the achievements of the past year, and honoring the generosity that has made this all possible. Even if you are not able to attend this year’s gala, you can still partake in some of the festivities from the comfort of your own home. We have some great raffle and silent auction items that are open to the public for bids and ticket purchases. Silent Auction and Ticket Opportunities are now open and will close at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 22. You do not need to be present to win! All purchases and donations are 100% tax deductible. Click HERE to learn more and bid!
Hospitality Trailer Volunteers
Serving with the DUMC Hospitality Trailer is a fun way to share the DUMC experience with our community! Sign up to be added to our list of volunteers who pull and set the trailer, who serve treats from the trailer, and/or who provide periodic maintenance to the interior and exterior of the trailer. This is a low-commitment opportunity, based on your availability, and tons of fun! Sign up
Environmental Stewardship
The DUMC Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) meets the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in room 242 at the church. The committee is involved in many recycling initiatives including Wednesday Night Supper, Modern Service donut box recycling, and Food Stock. We are also working on other sustainable projects with the church including solar, composting, and tree planting. All are welcome at our meetings. For more information, contact
Ted Bowden. You can view the tips for April
HERE. Sign up
HERE to subscribe to the monthly United Methodist Creation Justice Tips.
New Baby?
Are you or someone you know expecting a new baby? If so, please click
HERE to fill out the New Baby form. Whether it’s a birth or an adoption, DUMC wants to celebrate the new babies joining our community! Our Knitting Group and United Women in Faith circles have joined forces to create a welcome pack for the newest members of our community and their families. Contact
Rev. Garrett Wallace for more information.
Atlanta Ronald McDonald House
Collecting pop tabs is a fun and easy way to support Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities. Across the Metro-Atlanta area, hundreds of individuals, schools and companies are working together to collect Pop Tabs to benefit our mission. Those Pop Tabs are recycled and we receive the market value of the recycled metal. We are collecting pop tabs at the reception desk, bring yours today! Please call Cathy Wright, 404-509-6656, with questions.
Golf Cart Ministry
Need a ride? We have a golf cart team that is happy to get you to and from the building on Sunday mornings. Look for the banners in the parking lot to see the path that the golf cart will drive. Just stand by your car and someone will be by to get you! Our golf cart is currently running three shifts: 9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. | 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. | 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
DUMC NametagsAnyone may place a name tag order
HERE. All requested name tags may be picked up on the magnetic board behind the Parlor welcome desk. Feel free to leave your nametag on this board during the week for easy access on Sunday mornings. If you need a replacement nametag feel free to leave your current nametag at any of the welcome desks and we'll get it fixed