Plan Your Visit
We are excited that you are visiting us online and hope this information helps you to plan your visit to Dunwoody United Methodist Church. We welcome everyone to our worship services, programs and special events. God has brought you here for a reason. He wants you to find ways to use your unique gifts to contribute to the mission and ministry of His church. We hope you will open your heart to let Him guide you to YOUR place within Dunwoody UMC!
Location and Parking
Turn east (toward Dunwoody) onto Abernathy Road and proceed to the intersection with Mount Vernon Road (at a traffic light). Turn left (toward the northeast) onto Mount Vernon Road. After passing the water tower on your right, Dunwoody UMC is on the left.

Join us for worship!

Modern Worship

Traditional Worship
Common Questions
We welcome anyone who wants to worship God at any of our services. You’ll find guest information at the Welcome Desks at either entrance to the Sanctuary or across from the elevators in the entrance to the Wiley & Linda Stephens Activities Building.
Holy Communion is offered every Sunday in the Chapel Service (8:30 a.m.) and on the first Sunday of each month in the Modern (9:00 a.m.) and Traditional (11:15 a.m.) services. The United Methodist Church has an open table, meaning we welcome all who seek Christ. Gluten-free wafers are available.
Plan to arrive 10 to 15 minutes before the service time or Sunday School hour to give yourself enough time to park and enter the building.
We want you to be comfortable while you are at Dunwoody UMC. Our members and guests come in all levels of dressiness, although the Modern service has a more casual atmosphere. In each service, you’ll see people in a suit or dress and others in jeans and sandals.
You’ll find handicap and senior parking on both sides of the church parking lot. The main elevator is in the lobby of the Activities Building. If you need a wheelchair, please ask a greeter or an usher. An usher also can direct you to the best places for a wheelchair-bound person to sit in the Sanctuary.
Tours are given upon request and as part of our Discover DUMC program. Discover DUMC is led by our clergy as an introduction to our church and the United Methodist denomination. Contact Anne Horton and Jenny Rolfes at for more information.
Contact Debbie Collins at 770-394-0675 ext. 111 or
- Transfer of letter (you have been a member of another church)
- Profession of faith (you have been baptized but haven’t joined a church)
- Profession of faith and baptism (you haven’t been baptized or joined a church)
If you have other specific questions or need more information before you visit, please contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to Dunwoody UMC.