Neighborhood Gatherings

We want to begin the new year bringing people together, to help you get to know other DUMCer’s who live in your neighborhood and even on your street. To do this, we’re hosting over 40 neighborhood gatherings in the first 3 months of the year. These are one-time parties, to build community and help remind us of the support we have here in our church family.

Look for an invitation via Paperless Post for your neighborhood gathering and RSVP to let us know if you’re able to attend. We hope over 400 people will take part. If you’d like more information or didn’t receive an invitation and would like to, fill out the interest form below.

Interested in participating
in Neighborhood Gatherings?

Complete the form below and someone from our team will contact you!

Neighborhood Gatherings FAQ’s

Anyone with the spirit to get to know their neighbors! 

We began with participants and members of Dunwoody UMC and added to that list folks from our Sports & Recreation Ministry and Preschool who have expressed interest in learning more about our church. You’d don’t have to worship regularly at DUMC to attend. Our goal is to build community by helping neighbors know neighbors. We believe that sharing a faith and a community is a powerful foundation to build from.  

Kids are invited to attend as are people in every season of life. If we missed you for ANY reason and you’d like to take part, please complete our interest form and we’ll be in touch!  

These are one-time gatherings in people’s homes. We’ve identified 50 neighborhoods and areas around Dunwoody and greater Atlanta where we have enough people to fill a gathering (aiming for 15-20 people at each). We’re reaching out to people to host a gathering in their area and letting them pick the date and time. You’ll be invited (via Paperless Post – it’s an online invitation service) to your gathering. You will RSVP through that invitation and the details (like the address) will be shared with you then.  

Each gathering is 75-90 minutes. We’ll have a pot-luck format for light food, nametags, and 1-2 activities to help you get to know your neighbors. Most of the time will be informal, with the hope that you make new connections. There are some optional next steps that you or your neighbors want to consider (see “What’s next” below).  

Yes! We’re inviting your whole family! We’ve talked with hosts about this, and they know to expect kids. They may have some kid’s activities and you’re welcome to bring some of your own. We’ve given hosts the names of people from the church that can attend and be an extra set of eyes (and hands!) and you’ll be there if your kids need anything.  

Your gathering host(s) are included on the Paperless Post invitation. You can simply send them a message through Paperless Post. If for any reason you’re having trouble being in touch, feel free to reach out to our team at Dunwoody UMC.  

Our prayer is that you’ll make new connections that will last beyond this initial gathering. To help with that we have three next steps in mind: 

Host a second gathering with your neighbors in April/May of 2025. We’ll provide the contact list and offer support to help your neighborhood organize it’s own springtime party!  

Form a small group to meet for 5 weeks in Lent. Gathering once weekly (we’d suggest 60 minutes on Zoom) to discuss the previous week’s sermon from Dunwoody UMC. Accessible even if you’re not a regular at church. We’ve found this is a great an safe way to get to know people much better! 

Consider taking part in kids/family activities we have from Easter (April) to Vacation Bible School (June) with your neighbors!  


Please contact one of our team members.