Great Day of Service

9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


Dunwoody United Methodist Church's Great Day of Service is a family-friendly event that organizes, 600 volunteers in 18 different service projects. Most projects are onsite at Dunwoody UMC, and some are within the surrounding community. Many of the projects can be completed in as little as 90 minutes. Others (like Potato Drop) allow for families to drop-in for as little or as long as volunteers are able. Learn about the impact of last year’s event, view our Amazon wishlist and even sign up for a project by clicking the button below! If you have any questions, please contact our Rev. Garrett Wallace.

2026 Great Day of Service Projects

If your day allows, don't forget to join us at 8:30 a.m. for a continental breakfast in the Fellowship Hall before joining your project. Please note that any children serving who are under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Childcare will be available for children ages 6 months to 3 years old for those who register in advance. Upon completion of your registration form, your confirmation email will contain a link to register for GDoS Nursery. 

2025 On-Site Projects

Rise Against Hunger "Mini Foodstock" (Age 5+)

Be a part of the huge assembly line as we package thousands of highly nutritious meals for children in need across the globe. This is a great project for families to do together.

Potato Drop (All ages)

An annual favorite. We will box thousands of potatoes to be delivered to the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Great project for preschool families!

CAC Food Packs (Age 5+)

Help assemble dry food kits for the Community Assistance Center in Sandy Springs.

DUMC Church Cleanup (Age 10+)

Projects to clean and beautify our church campus. Will include trimming hedges and adding plantings.

Dresses for Orphans in Africa (Age 12+)

Sew dresses for orphans in Africa. Must know how to sew and bring sewing machine.

Homeless Hygiene Kits (Age 5+)

Assemble hygiene kits to help local homeless shelters.

Sole Hope (Age 10+)

Cut shoe parts from old jeans that are sent to Africa to make shoes for children. 

No Sew Blankets (Age 13+)

Make no-sew blankets that are distributed by local ministries to families in need. A favorite among teenagers.

Knit In (Age 13+)

Knit prayer squares and continue our charity projects for Northside NICU.

Client Assistance Bags (Age 4+)

On the day of event, use a church-provided Publix gift card to purchase food and assemble bags for local families in need. Great project for families or small groups.

Cleaning Kits for Hope Atlanta (Age 7+)

Volunteers will assemble cleaning kits for residents of local Transitional Housing ministries.

Hospital Art Project (Age 14+)

Paint six large pre-penciled panels to create art that will hang in a local hospital.

City of Refuge Snack Bags & Hightower Homework Club Craft Kits (Age 7+)

Volunteers will assemble snack bags that will go to City of Refuge to help individuals and families who are transitioning out of crises. The same team will also assemble craft kits for students at Hightower Homework Club.

Easter Egg Assembly (All ages)

Help the DUMC bunnies spread joy throughout our community by stuffing eggs for our “You’ve been egged” program.

2025 At-Home Project & Off-Campus Projects

Wellspring Living Improvement Projects (Age 14+)

Help an organization that provides recovery services to victims of human trafficking by doing yard work and laying down attic flooring at the Duluth Wellspring Living campus. Will require 20 minutes of travel.


Cookies & Cards for First Responders (Age 4+)

Bake cookies at home, prepare appreciation cards and deliver to our local first responders.


The Sandwich Project (Age 15+)

Volunteers will assemble fresh, homemade sandwiches for immediate consumption to meet the food scarcity needs in Metro Atlanta.


CAC Food Pantry and Thrift Store Staffing (Age 16+)

Assist with a special Thrift Store project on site at the CAC Food Pantry and Thrift Store on Roswell Road in Sandy Springs.


2025 Before & After Opportunities

Great Day of Service Set-up (Age 14+)

Assist in setting up project areas in the church on Friday, March 21 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Rise Against Hunger "Mini Foodstock Set-up"
(Age 14+)

Assist in setting up the gym on Friday, March 21 at 4:00 p.m. for the meal packing on Saturday morning.


Information Table (AGE 18+)

Greet volunteers and point out room locations from 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.


Clean Up (Age 18+)

Reset the church by cleaning and moving tables & chairs back. 


Delivery Riders (Age 21+)

Deliver donations to various partners including Wesley Woods and the CAC the week after the Great Day of Service.


Amazon Wishlist

Many of our projects require physical supplies. Our community can shop for these items online, and have donations sent straight to the Church. Donations are also needed of the following items and can be dropped off in the bins at the church: toothbrushes and toothpaste (regular and travel size) travel size toiletries, and multipurpose spray cleaner. 


If you have questions about the Great Day of Service or want to know more about our service opportunities, please contact me.